Firstly my journey to reflect on me as a principal.
The main points I took from conference-
- Reflective leaders are effective leaders
- When making decisions about anything in our school ask, 'Who does this exclude?' rather than 'Who does it include?' This will ensure success for ALL
- When dealing with surface relationships take the e's out of PEEP-people, emotion, energy, performance so I can deal with the real things and give my TEA(Time Energy Attention) to the things that matter.
I met some inspiring leaders. Dedicated educationalists who teach and lead for one thing, the children.
Coming straight from NZ where teachers have been disgruntled with our education system it was refreshing to see and hear positive vibes I feel excited about my new learning and can't wait to share some information and skills I have learned.
As for Myrtle Beach-it's been a fun place to start my journey. Off to the very busy city of Philadelphia in the morning and instead of 1800 people at the conference I will be one of 20,000!